Sidewalks on North Side of Manchester Near Completion

For nearly 3 months, crews have been out on Manchester Avenue, busting up old sidewalks and replacing them with widened and freshly poured new concrete. Currently, all of the sidewalks along the north side of Manchester have been removed and nearly all have been replaced. Crews are finishing up work on the stretch between Newstead and Taylor Avenues.

In addition to the new sidewalks, crews have completed one of the three public art pedestals (located at Manchester and Arco Avenues) and are starting work on the second one (located at Manchester and Taylor Avenues). The final pedestal will be located at Manchester and Sarah Avenues.

Once sidewalk work along the north side of Manchester is finished, construction crews will begin removing, replacing and widening the sidewalks on the south side of the street, from Sarah to Taylor Avenues.  Take a look at some of the progress to date, and make sure to check back with us for further updates on the construction progress!

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